About Us

The Ford community is huge worldwide. Upon acquiring a Fiesta ST, I was motivated to differentiate myself from the masses and conceive a distinct vision. Dissatisfied with the existing options on the market, I resolved to engineer and actualize my own concept. The result was the birth of AGMCustoms, a venture aimed at providing unique parts for the Fiesta ST that I believe would resonate with like-minded enthusiasts. With hopefully expansion into other car brands as the business grows.

AGMCustoms aims to become the UK's leading brand for high-quality RGB automotive modifications. We will achieve this through innovation, superior product design, and a commitment to excellence. Our primary focus is on designing and creating a groundbreaking Bluetooth product that features its own unique app, setting us apart from the competition.

Continuous product innovation will be a cornerstone of our strategy, encompassing modular RGB Bluetooth products, lowline kits, spoilers, and other customization options with every stage of our development.

- Alex Morrell
Founder of AGMCustoms
2022 - 2024